Book reviews

The Prehistoric Society provides reviews of recently published books on all areas of prehistory. We handpick experts on relevant fields to produce thoughtful reviews that summarise content and present individual perspectives on new publications.

We also accept proposals for reviews. Please get in touch with our Reviews Editor via if you’d like to discuss an idea for a review. Guidelines for reviews can be found below.

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The British Lower Palaeolithic. Stones In Contention
John McNabb
Reviewed by Nick Ashton (Dept. Prehistory and Europe, British Museum)
Neolithic and Bronze Age Monuments and Middle Iron Age Settlement at Lodge Farm, St Osyth, Essex
Mark Germany
Reviewed by Duncan Garrow (University of Liverpool)
The Earlier Iron Age in Britain and the Near Continent, Edited
Edited by Colin Haselgrove and Rachel Pope
Reviewed by Alex Lang (University of Oxford)
The Later Iron Age in Britain and Beyond
Edited by Colin Haselgrove and Tom Moore
Reviewed by Alex Lang (University of Oxford)
Excavations at Kilverstone, Norfolk: An Episodic Landscape History. Neolithic Pits, Later Prehistori
D. Garrow, S. Lucy, S. and D. Gibson
Reviewed by Alistair Barclay (Wessex Archaeology)
Palaeolithic Cave Art at Creswell Crags in European Context
Edited by Paul Pettitt, Paul Bahn, Sergio Ripoll, and Francisco Javier Muñoz Ibáñez
Reviewed by Andrew J. Lawson (Salisbury)
Pits, Settlement and Deposition During the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in East Anglia
D. Garr
Reviewed by Alistair Barclay (Wessex Archaeology)
Studies in Northern Prehistory: Essays in Memory of Clare Fell
Edited by P.J. Cherry
Reviewed by Mark Bowden (English Heritage)
Collected Papers on Neighbours: Polish-German Relations in Archaeology - Part 1 (to 1945) and Part 2 (after 1945)
Reviewed by Margarita Díaz-Andreu (Durham University)
The Dating of Food Vessels and Urns in Ireland
A.L. Brindley
Reviewed by Alex Gibson (Bradford University)
Bronze Age Oak-Coffin Graves: Archaeology and Dendro-Dating
Klavs Randsborg and Kjeld Christensen
Reviewed by Brendan O'Connor (Edinburgh)
Wetland Archaeology and Environments. Regional Issues, Global Perspectives Edited
Malcolm Lillie and Stephen Ellis
Reviewed by Robert Van de Noort (University of Exeter)
Earthen Long Barrows: The Earliest Monuments in the British Isles
David Field
Reviewed by Alasdair Whittle (Cardiff University)
Earthen Long Barrows: The Earliest Monuments in the British Isles
David Field
Reviewed by Alasdair Whittle (Cardiff University)
Hillforts: Prehistoric Strongholds of Northumberland National Park
Al Oswald, Stewart Ainsworth, Trevor Pearson, Paul Frodsham
Reviewed by Rachel Pope (University of Cambridge)
Monuments, Ritual and Regionality: The Neolithic of Northern Somerset
J. Lewis
Reviewed by Clive Bond (University of Winchester)
Parts and Wholes: Fragmentation in Prehistoric Context
J. Chapman and B. Gaydarska
Reviewed by Jonathan Last (English Heritage)
Social Archaeology of Human Remains
Edited by Rebbeca Gowland and Christopher Knüsel
Reviewed by Alex Gibson (Bradford University)
Neolithic Scotland: Timber, Stone, Earth and Fire
Gordon Noble
Reviewed by Ian A.G. Shepherd (Aberdeenshire Council)
The Prehistoric Archaeology of Settlement in South-East Wales and the Borders
Graham A. Makepeace
Reviewed by David Mullin (University of Reading)